Working software over comprehensive documentation.
Agile Manifesto
$ binary: git merge fix-village
warning: Cannot merge binary files: quijote.doc (HEAD vs. fix-village)
Auto-merging quijote.doc
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in quijote.doc
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.
$ binary: git diff master..fix-village
diff --git a/quijote.doc b/quijote.doc
index 4d7a47b..c8a6206 100644
Binary files a/quijote.doc and b/quijote.doc differ
Lightweight markup languages
content + metadata
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN"
<book lang="en">
<title>Document Title</title>
<revremark>Initial version</revremark>
<ulink url="">AsciiDoc</ulink> is a
lightweight markup language.
This is the optional preamble (an untitled section body).
Useful for writing simple sectionless documents consisting
only of a preamble.
The abstract, preface, appendix, bibliography, glossary
and index section titles are significant
<chapter id="_first_section">
<title>First section</title>
Document sections start at <emphasis role="strong">level
1</emphasis> and can nest four levels deep.
<simpara>Item 1</simpara>
<simpara>Item 2</simpara>
DocBook is nice, but (like XML) it is not meant for editing nor for merging changes (by humans).
Dag Wieers
# Document Title
[AsciiDoc]( is a lightweight markup language.
This is the optional preamble (an untitled section body). Useful for
writing simple sectionless documents consisting only of a preamble.
<div class="note">
<p>The abstract, preface, appendix, bibliography, glossary and index
section titles are significant (<em>specialsections</em>).</p>
## First section
Document sections start at **level 1** and can nest four levels deep.
* Item 1
* Item 2
{% highlight ruby %}
puts 'Hello, World!'
{% endhighlight %}
= Document Title
Doc Writer <>
v1.0, 2013-01-01: Initial version[AsciiDoc] is a lightweight markup language.
This is the optional preamble (an untitled section body), useful for
writing simple sectionless documents consisting only of a preamble.
NOTE: The abstract, preface, appendix, bibliography, glossary and
index section titles are significant (_specialsections_).
== First section
Document sections start at *level 1* and can nest four levels deep.
* Item 1
* Item 2
puts 'Hello, World!'
A modern, open source implementation of AsciiDoc in Ruby
import static org.asciidoctor.AttributesBuilder.attributes;
import static org.asciidoctor.OptionsBuilder.options;
Attributes attributes = attributes().backend("docbook").get();
Options options = options().inPlace(true).attributes(attributes).get();
String render = asciidoctor.renderFile("sample.asciidoc", options);