Using Arquillian Diferencia


To install Arquillian Diferencia you need to add Arquillian dependencies (this would depend on if you are using in-container or standalone mode, containers, …​) and Arquillian Diferencia dependency on your build tool.

In case of using the in-container approach we recommend you using Arquillian Chameleon to manage containers in an easy way:




testCompile "com.lordofthejars.diferencia:diferencia-java-arquillian-core:${version}"

Code Examples

In this section, we are going to cover three examples, one in standalone mode and two with in-container mode.

In case of in-container mode, Arquillian Chameleon is used to simplify the configuration of Arquillian.

Arquillian Diferencia only works when the test runs in-container mode as client or in standalone mode.

In case of in-container you need to annotate test class with @RunAsClient and annotate deployable method @Deployment(testable = false)

Standalone Mode

In standalone mode, Arquillian does not deploy any service but assumes that other systems like build tools or CI/CD system already done it. For this reason, you need to configure Diferencia with primary, candidate (and secondary) URLs in arquillian.xml.

Adding dependencies

  <artifactId>arquillian-junit-standalone</artifactId> (1)
  <artifactId>diferencia-java-arquillian-core</artifactId> (2)
1 Arquillian Standalone mode dependency
2 Arquillian Diferencia dependency

Configuring Arquillian Diferencia

All Diferencia configuration properties are available in arquillian.xml.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<arquillian xmlns:xsi=""

  <extension qualifier="diferencia"> (1)
    <property name="primary"></property> (2)
    <property name="candidate"></property>

1 Configures Diferencia extension
2 Static URLs


The test looks like any other Arquillian standalone test. Arquillian Diferencia starts Diferencia before running tests and stops it after the execution of them.
@RunWith(Arquillian.class) (1)
public class HttpBinNowArquillianTest {

    @DiferenciaUrl (2)
    URL diferencia;

    public void should_use_diferencia_to_detect_any_possible_regression() throws IOException {

        // Given
        final OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

        // When
        final Response response = sendRequest(diferencia.toExternalForm(), "/", client); (3)

        // Then
        assertThat(response.code()).isEqualTo(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_PRECON_FAILED); (4)
1 Arquillian runner
2 Enrich Diferencia URL location to connect
3 Send request to Diferencia server
4 In this test a failure is expected

In-Container Mode

In-Container mode, Arquillian takes care of deploying and undeploying applications. Arquillian Diferencia integrates with it by allowing you to set as primary, candidate (and secondary) a deployment name, and URL to the service is resolved at runtime.

In case of the In-container you need to annotate test class with @RunAsClient and annotate deployable method @Deployment(testable = false)

About Auto-Resolution

If your test only contains one deployment method, this deployment will be considered to be the candidate so you don’t need to specify anything in candidate configuration property since it is automatically resolved.

Adding dependencies

  <artifactId>arquillian-container-chameleon-runner</artifactId> (1)
  <artifactId>diferencia-java-arquillian-core</artifactId> (2)
1 Arquillian Chameleon dependency for in-container tests
2 Arquillian Diferencia dependency

Configuring Arquillian Diferencia with One Deployment

All Diferencia configuration properties are available in arquillian.xml.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<arquillian xmlns:xsi=""

  <extension qualifier="diferencia"> (1)
    <property name="primary"></property> (2)
    <property name="port">9090</property> (3)
  </extension> (4)

1 Configures Diferencia extension
2 Static URL for primary
3 Port where Diferencia server is started
4 No candidate set because test only contains one deployment to be used as candidate

Test with One Deployment

In the next test, Diferencia makes a request to defined primary host at arquillian.xml ( and the service defined at deployServiceV11() method.
@RunWith(ArquillianChameleon.class) (1)
@ChameleonTarget("wildfly:11.0.0.Final:managed") (2)
@RunAsClient (3)
public class DiferenciaContainerTest {

    @Deployment(testable = false) (4)
    public static WebArchive deployServiceV11() {
        return ShrinkWrap.create(WebArchive.class)
            .addClasses(V1Application.class, V11Resource.class); (5)

    URL diferencia;

    public void should_fail_if_responses_are_different() throws IOException {
        // Given
        final OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

        // When
        final Response response = sendRequest(diferencia.toExternalForm(), "/v1/hello", client); (6)

        // Then
1 Arquillian Chameleon runner
2 Defines the container where the serivce is deployed
3 RunAsClient is mandatory in in-container tests for working with Diferencia
4 testeable = false is mandatory in in-container tests for working with Diferencia
5 Bundle of the service
6 Send request to Diferencia server

When executing this test, Arquillian Diferencia starts Diferencia server and resend request to primary and candidate. The important thing is that in this case candidate URL is auto-resolved to the service deployed by Arquillian.

Configuring Arquillian Diferencia with Multiple Deployments

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<arquillian xmlns:xsi=""

  <extension qualifier="diferencia">
    <property name="primary">v1</property> (1)
    <property name="candidate">v11</property> (2)
    <property name="port">9090</property>

1 Primary field is resolved with a deployment called v1
2 Candidate field is resolved with a deployment called v11

Test with Multiple Deployments
public class DiferenciaContainerTest {

    @Deployment(testable = false, name = "v1") (1)
    public static WebArchive deployServiceV1() {
        return ShrinkWrap.create(WebArchive.class)
            .... (2)

    @Deployment(testable = false, name = "v11") (3)
    public static WebArchive deployServiceV11() {
        return ShrinkWrap.create(WebArchive.class)
            .addClasses(V1Application.class, V11Resource.class);

    URL diferencia;

    public void should_fail_if_responses_are_different() throws IOException {
        // Given
        final OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient();

        // When
        final Response response = sendRequest(diferencia.toExternalForm(), "/v1/hello", client); (3)

        // Then
1 Primary deployment
2 WebArchive could be an specific version of .war file from a concrete artifact repository
3 Candidate deployment

When executing this test, Arquillian Diferencia starts Diferencia server and resend the request to primary and candidate. The important thing is that in this case primary and candidate URLs are auto-resolved to the service deployed by Arquillian.


Arquillian Diferencia offers three kinds of test enrichers:

Inject Diferencia instance.

Diferencia diferencia

Inject DiferenciaAdminClient:

DiferenciaAdminClient client;

Inject Diferencia URL:

URL diferencia;