Administration Console


  • You have Diferencia running (in case of Docker with admin port exposed). Default admin port is 8082.


By default the admin console is listening port 8082 but it can be configured by using --adminPort argument.

Rest API

Getting Configuration

Diferencia has an administration console that can be accessed as a Rest API to get configuration values. To get it you need to use GET http method to /configuration endpoint to given host and configured port.

The JSON document of response is:

  "port": 8080,
  "serviceName": "",
  "primary": "",
  "secondary": "",
  "candidate": "",
  "prometheusPort": 8081,
  "adminPort": 8082
  ... (1)
1 All configuration parameters are exposed using camel case.

Updating Configuration

Diferencia has an administration console that can be accessed as a Rest API to configure some of the Diferencia parameters without having to restart it. At this time these parameters are:

  • serviceName

  • primary

  • candidate

  • secondary

  • noise detection

  • mode

  • returnResult

To update any of the parameters you only need to send a JSON document using PUT http method to /configuration endpoint to given host and configured port.

The JSON document must follow next schema:

  "serviceName" : "",
  "primary" : "",
  "secondary" : "",
  "candidate" : "",
  "secondary" : "",
  "returnResult": "",
  "noiseDetection" : "", (1)
  "mode" : "" (2)
1 Noise Detection valid values is: Strict, Subset and Schema
2 Boolean as string true or false
You can set all parameters to be updated in the document, and all of them will be updated at once. It is not necessary to send N requests one for each change.
Figure 1. Update Noise Cancellation with Insomnia


You can access to Dashboard using a browser to have a web view of basic configuration parameters. You need to access to /dashboard/ and a dashboard web page with error endpoints is shown.


Rest API

Getting Stats

Diferencia collects stats of the failing endpoints so you can get which endpoints are failing and how many times they have failed. In future, these stats can be improved offering more information, for now it just offers basic information.

To get stats you only need to use GET http method to /stats endpoint to given host and configured port.

And the response is:

            "method":"GET", (1)
            "path":"/" (2)
        "errors":0, (3)
        "averagePrimaryDuration":357.56, (4)
        "averageCandidateDuration":115.26 (5)
1 Http method used in request
2 Path used to replicate
3 Number of errors
4 Average time taken in all calls against primary in milliseconds
5 Average time taken in all calls against candidate in milliseconds


You can access to Dashboard using a browser to have a web view of what’s happening in Diferencia. You need to access to /dashboard/ and a dashboard web page with error endpoints is shown.


Also if you click in the path inside the card you’ll be redirected to a more detailed page where you can see each of the requests that didn’t suceeded.
