
To install Diferencia you only need to go to release page on GitHub Release select the platform and the version and download it.

Then you just need to rename the file to something more meaningful name such as diferencia and add it to your PATH directory.

Linux and Mac OS X

In case of Linux and Mac OS X you can run next commands:

mv diferencia_XXX_amd64 diferencia
chmod 755 diferencia
mv diferencia /usr/local/bin/diferencia


In case of Windows you can run next commands:

ren diferencia_windows_amd64.exe diferencia.exe
set PATH=%PATH%;<diferencia_directory>


Diferencia is also provided as Docker image.

For example:

~ $ docker run -ti --rm -p 8080:8080 lordofthejars/diferencia:<version>

Just start Diferencia proxy at port 8080.