Plain Text

By default, Diferencia expects to receive and compare JSON documents. But if the response contains the Content-Type header to text/plain then the noise detection and comparison are done using text logic instead of JSON one.

If Content-Type header is not set in the response, then JSON logic is enabled by default.

Noise Detection

Text logic also implements a way of noise detection. The algorithm is based on substring + starts with logic.

Let’s see some examples:

primary: aaaa
secondary: aa
candidate: aab

Then candidate is equals to primary because the common starting part of primary and secondary is aa. Since candidate starts with aa too then they are equal.

primary: aaaa
secondary: aa
candidate: bbb

Then candidate is not equals to primary because candidate does not start with the common part of primary and secondary.

Forcing Plain Text

If Content-Type header is not set in the response, then JSON logic is enabled by default, but you can change this behavior by setting --forcePlainText configuration parameter to true.

After that, if a response does not contain Content-Type header, then text logic is enabled by default.


When content is text, the modes value is ignored and it uses a pure equals implementation applying noise detection previously.